
Antibiotic Resistance - No More Time to Waste

Interview of the Month with Prof. Achim Hoerauf

Berlin  - The issue of increasing antimicrobial resistance can no longer be put on the back seat. The clock is ticking, says Prof. Achim Hörauf of the University of Bonn. In "Interview of the Month," Prof. Hoerauf calls for sensible financial framework conditions in the EU for research into new antibiotics, otherwise they will be caught off guard.
The biggest hurdles we face in developing new antibiotics in the research and industry community, is not the lack of new chemical structures or new approaches to action, for example, combinations in proven drugs, but the lack of consistent funding for promising antibiotics from early clinical trials to registration and regular use in humans.

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Link to the German Network against Antimicrobial Resistance : https://dnamr.de/