Practial Year Elective Tertial Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Information from the participating clinics and institutes

  • Significant advances in medicine are based on the prevention, detection and treatment of infectious diseases. The rapid evolution of the causative microorganisms, due to the short generation times, forces the continuous further development of the methods used and the use of all available technological developments. At the same time, infectiology is an interdisciplinary field: Infectious diseases can occur in every phase of life and in all people.

  • The elective term has set itself the task of giving students practical experience and insights into various aspects of clinical microbiology and infectiology. The elective term is offered at two locations, namely the UKB in Bonn and the Bundeswehr Central Hospital in Koblenz, which is the academic teaching hospital of the University of Bonn. As long as there are still places available, you can choose the location at which your election term should take place.

  • In the UKB, participants work one after the other for four weeks in the

    • Clinic for Neonatology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine, the

    • Clinic for Anesthesiology and Special Intensive Care medicine, the

    • Medical Clinic and Polyclinic I as well as the

    • Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery.

  • Practical year students spend one day each week in areas of indirect health care that are important for the prophylaxis, diagnosis and optimal therapy of infectious diseases:

    • Institute for Hygiene and Public Health (four days in total), 

    • Institute of Virology (four days in total), and 

    • Institute of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology (eight days in total).

  • The combined offer of working in the clinics and in the facilities of indirect patient care offers the opportunity to get to know the different aspects of the care of patients with serious infectious diseases at close quarters. You will have the opportunity to participate in clinical care - such as anamnesis, physical examination, indication for laboratory diagnostics, optimal sample collection, communication with the laboratory departments, if necessary calculated antimicrobial chemotherapy, if necessary the best possible surgical care, assessment of the results of the diagnostics, presentation of five patients and patients, participation in the preparation of doctor's letters, conducting interviews - as well as prevention (e.g. vaccination consultation hours, hygiene measures) and pathogen diagnostics (virology and microbiology) and, if necessary, the conversion of the calculated antimicrobial chemotherapy to an optimized treatment.

  • As a rule, you will work four days a week in a clinical area and spend one day in one of the participating laboratory facilities. The “laboratory weekdays” change and are based on the different focal points of the weekdays in the laboratories. The PJ logbook and the rotation plans are available as PDF files for your information.

  • Contact person for queries: Dr. Ernst Molitor (Tel. 0228-287-11621), email:, building C63, room 01 070.


Inquiries about registering for the elective term in infectiology and clinical microbiology should be directed to the Practical Year Office of the Dean of Studies:

Dean of Studies of the Medical Faculty
Venusberg Campus 1
Building B33
53127 Bonn

Here you will find the websites of the participating clinics and institutes: