Prof. Dr. Marc Hübner                  
DZIF Professor für Translationale Mikrobiologie

Huebner @
 ©UKB /J. F. Saba

Filarien können schwerwiegende Erkrankungen wie die lymphatische Filariose (Elefantiasis) und die Onchozerkose (Flussblindheit) im Menschen auslösen. Dabei modulieren Filarien generell das Immunsystem ihrer Wirte, um die Entstehung von Pathologien zu vermeiden und ihr langfristiges Überleben im Wirt zu erreichen. Bislang gibt es weder Therapien, die innerhalb von 1-2 Wochen Behandlungszeit makrofilarizid wirken, d.h. die adulten Filarien abtöten können, noch eine Vakzine für Filariosen. Im Rahmen meiner DZIF Professur soll die Translation von Grundlagen- und präklinischer Forschung in humane Studien erfolgen, um neue Therapien für Vernachlässigte Tropenerkrankungen (NTDs) zu identifizieren.  


In meinem Labor bearbeiten wir folgende Aspekte der Filariose:

  1. Präklinische Testung zur Identifizierung neuer makrofilarizider Substanzen im Litomosoides sigmodontis Nagetiermodell für Filariosen und Unterstützung von klinischen Studien in Kollaboration mit Partnern aus der Industrie und non-profit Organisationen.   
  2. Protektive Immunantworten gegen Filarien mit besonderem Fokus auf Eosinophile und Neutrophile und dem Einfluss von extrazellulären DNA Netzen (ETosis). Zudem arbeiten wir daran Vakzineantworten zu optimieren und die zugrundeliegenden Immunantworten besser zu verstehen. Diese Untersuchungen werden im L. sigmodontis Nagetiermodell mit immundefizienten Mäusen sowie in vitro Kulturen von murinen und humanen Zellen durchgeführt.

  3. Immunmodulation durch Filarien und deren protektiver Effekt auf metabolische Erkrankungen wie die Diät-induzierte Insulinresistenz. Dies erfolgt sowohl im L. sigmodontis Mausmodell als auch in einer humanen Studie mit Filariosepatienten in Kamerun.



  • Deutsches Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (DZIF): DZIF Professorship - pre-clinical and clinical identification of novel treatments for NTDs
  • EU EDCTP3: eWHORM - enabling the WHO Road Map
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), German African Project: Eosinophil and neutrophil ETosis during filarial infection
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), German African Project: Impact of human filarial infections on the metabolic and immunological profile
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Excellence Cluster ImmunoSensation2 : Filarial immunomodulation
  • European Commission Horizon 2020: HELP - Helminth Elimination Platform
  • Elanco: Preclinical studies using the Litomosoides sigmodontis and Dirofilaria immitis model
  • Boehringer Ingelheim: Preclinical studies in the L. sigmodontis model
  • Manchot Stiftung: Stipendium für in vivo/in vitro Testung von Oxfendazol in Kombinationstherapie für Hannah Wegner
  • Manchot Stiftung: Stipendium für pathogen-specific eosinophil ETosis für Celia Nieto Pérez


Indulekha Karunakaran, Ph.D.
Tel: 0228 287 11370
indulekha.karunakaran (at)

©UKB /J. F. Saba

Alexander Kazakov, Ph.D.
Project Manager/Scientific Advisor
Tel: 0228 287 16807
alexander.kazakov (at)

©UKB /J. F. Saba

Frederic Risch, Dr. rer. nat
Postdoctoral fellow
Tel: 0228 287 11374
frederic.risch (at)


Benjamin Lenz, Dr. rer. nat
Postdoctoral fellow
Tel: 0228 287 11374
benjamin.lenz (at)

©UKB /J. F. Saba

Cheng Wang
Tel: 0228 287 19169

Hannah Wegner
Tel: 0228 287 11374

Robert Adamu Shey, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral fellow
Tel: 0228 287 16312

Martina Fendler
Tel: 0228 287 16312
©UKB /J. F. Saba

Marianne Koschel
Tel: 0228 287 19155
marianne.koschel (at)

©UKB/ J. F. Saba

Ahmad Saleh
Tel: 0228 287 19169
ahmad.saleh (at)


Linda Bart
Tel: 0228 287 15884
©UKB /J. F. Saba

Wiebke Strutz
Tel: 0228 287 15678
©UKB /J. F. Saba

Celia Nieto Pérez
Ph.D. Student
Tel: 0228 287 19155
celia.nieto-perez (at)


Zeynab Abou

Tel: 0228 287 16312


Unsere Hilfswissenschaftler:

Ben Lütkehölter

Tel: 0228 287 16807

Unsere Hilfswissenschaftler:

Nina Engel

Tel: 0228 287 19169

Unsere Hilfswissenschaftler:

Julia Frangen

Tel: 0228 287 19169


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Unsere Studenten

  • Ola Dubiel
  • Lisa Herzel
  • Miriam Sonntag

Pia Schumacher, approbierte Tierärztin




  1. Aderhold, W; Lenz, B; Hübner, MP; Schaefer, HE; Gaertner, FC; Heine, A; Gütgemann, I:
    Intramedullary leukocytoclastic vasculitis and neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation in POEMS syndrome.
    Ann Hematol , 2024. doi: 10.1007/s00277-024-05651-w

  2. Becker, T; Heitkötter, J; Krome, AK; Schiefer, A; Pfar, k; Ehrens, A; Grosse, M, Sandrago, B; Stammberger, I; Stadler, M; Hübner, MP; Kheraus, S; Hoerauf, A; Wagner, KG:
    Mesoporous Silica as an Alternative Vehicle to Overcome Solubility Limitations
    Pharmaceutics 16 (3), 2024. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics16030386

  3. Guth, C; Schuhmacher, PP; Vijayakumar, A; Borgmann, h; Balles, H; Koschel, M; Risch, F; Lenz, B; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP; Ajendra, J:
    Eosinophils are an endogenous source of IL-4 during filarial infections and contribute to the development of an optimal T helper 2 response
    J Innate Immun 16 (1), 2024. doi: 10.1159/0005363573

  4. Gokool, S; Townson, S; Freeman, A; Siemienski-Kleyn, J; Zubrzycki, J; Tagboto, S; Hübner, MP; Scandale, I:
    Onchocerciasis Drug Discovery: In Vitro Evaluation of FDA-Approved Drugs against Onchocerca gutturosa in Gambia.
    Pharmaceutics 16(2), 2024. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics16020210

  5. Hegde, S; Marriott, AE; Pionnier, N; Steven, A; Bulman, C; Gunderson, E; Vogel, I; Koschel, M; Ehrens, A; Lustigman, S; Voronin, D; Tricoche, N; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP; Sakanari, J; Aljayyoussi, G; Gusovsky, F; Dagley, J; Hong, DW; O'Neill, P; Ward, SA; Taylor, MJ; Turner, JD:
    Combinations of the azaquinazoline anti-Wolbachia agent, AWZ1066S, with benzimidazole anthelmintics synergise to mediate sub-seven-day sterilising and curative efficacies in experimental models of filariasis.
    Front Microbiol 15, 2024, 1346068. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1346068

  6. Lenz, B; Ehrens, A; Ajendra, J; Risch, F; Gal, J; Neumann, AL; Reichwald, JJ; Strutz, W; McSorley, HJ; Martin, C; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Repeated sensitization of mice with microfilariae of Litomosoides sigmodontis induces pulmonary eosinophilia in an IL-33-dependent manner.
    PLoS Pathog 20(3), 2024, e1012071. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1012071

  7. Risch, F; Ludwig-Erdmann, C; Hoerauf, A; Sager, H; Hübner, MP:
    Development of adult Dirofilaria immitis worms in the Rag2/Il-2rγ-/- mouse model.
    Int J Parasitol , 2024. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2024.01.004


  1. Amambo, GN; Innocentia, N; Abong, RA; Fombad, FF; Njouendou, AJ; Nietcho, F; Ekanya, R; Kien, CA; Ebai, R; Lenz, B; Ritter, M; Esum, ME; Deribe, K; Cho, JF; Beng, AA; Enyong, PI; Li, Z; Hübner, MP; Pfarr, K; Hoerauf, A; Carlow, C; Wanji, S:
    Application of loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assays for the detection of Onchocerca volvulus, Loa loa and Mansonella perstans in humans and vectors.
    Front Trop Dis 3, 2023, 1016176. doi: 10.3389/fitd.2022.1016176

  2. Karunakaran, I; Ritter, M; Pfarr, K; Klarmann-Schulz, U; Debrah, AY; Debrah, LB; Katawa, G; Wanji, S; Specht, S; Adjobimey, t; Hübner, MP; Hoerauf, A:
    Filariasis research – from basic research to drug development and novel diagnostics, over a decade of research at the Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, Bonn, Germany
    Frontiers in Tropical Diseases 42023, 1126173. doi: 10.3389/fitd.2023.1126173

  3. Lenz, B; Andrew, BA; Ritter, M; Karunakaran, I; Gandjui, NVT; Nchang, LC; Surendar, J; Ebob, AOB; Ehrens, A; Klarmann-Schulz, U; Ricchiuto, A; Kuehlwein, JM; Fombad, FF; Ngwa, AM; Katcho, TD; Hoerauf, A; Wanji, S; Hübner, MP:
    The design and development of a study protocol to investigate Onchocerca volvulus, Loa loa and Mansonella perstans-mediated modulation of the metabolic and immunological profile in lean and obese individuals in Cameroon.
    PLoS One 18(6), 2023, e0285689. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285689

  4. Mahdavi, R; Shams-Eldin, H; Witt, S; Latz, A; Heinz, D; Fresco-Taboada, A; Aira, C; Hübner, MP; Sukyte, D; Visekruna, A; Teixeira, HC; Abass, E; Steinhoff, U:
    Development of a Novel Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Lateral Flow Test System for Improved Serodiagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Different Areas of Endemicity.
    Microbiol Spectr 11(3), 2023, e0433822. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.04338-22

  5. Orth, HM; Wiemer, D; Schneitler, S; Schönfeld, A; Holtfreter, MC; Gliga, S; Fuchs, A; Pfäfflin, F; Denkinger, CM; Kalbitz, S; Fritzsche, C; Hübner, MP; Trauth, J; Jensen, BO; Luedde, T; Feldt, T:
    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis-how common and how severe is it as a complication of malaria? Retrospective case series and review of the literature.
    Infection , 2023. doi: 10.1007/s15010-023-02104-w

  6. Risch, F; Scheunemann, JF; Reichwald, JJ; Lenz, B; Ehrens, A; Gal, J; Fercoq, F; Koschel, M; Fendler, M; Hoerauf, A; Martin, C; Hübner, MP:
    The efficacy of the benzimidazoles oxfendazole and flubendazole against Litomosoides sigmodontis is dependent on the adaptive and innate immune system.
    Front Microbiol 14, 2023, 1213143. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1213143

  7. Scheunemann, JF; Risch, F; Reichwald, JJ; Lenz, B; Neumann, AL; Garbe, S; Frohberger, SJ; Koschel, M; Ajendra, J; Rothe, M; Latz, E; Coch, C; Hartmann, G; Schumak, B; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Potential of Nucleic Acid Receptor Ligands to Improve Vaccination Efficacy against the Filarial Nematode Litomosoides sigmodontis.
    Vaccines (Basel) 11(5), 2023. doi: 10.3390/vaccines11050966

  8. Schroeder, J; Rothe, C; Hoerauf, A; Kroidl, I; Pfarr, K; Hübner, MP:
    First case of Dirofilaria hongkongensis infection in Germany presenting as a breast tumour.
    J Travel Med 30(8), 2023. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taad121


  1. Becker, T; Krome, AK; Vahdati, S; Schiefer, A; Pfarr, K; Ehrens, A; Aden, T; Grosse, M; Jansen, R; Alt, S; Hesterkamp, T; Stadler, M; Hübner, MP; Kehraus, S; König, GM; Hoerauf, A; Wagner, KG:
    In Vitro-In Vivo Relationship in Mini-Scale-Enabling Formulations of Corallopyronin A.
    Pharmaceutics 14(8), 2022. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14081657

  2. Ehrens, A; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Current perspective of new anti-Wolbachial and direct-acting macrofilaricidal drugs as treatment strategies for human filariasis.
    GMS Infect Dis 10, 2022, Doc02. doi: 10.3205/id000079

  3. Ehrens, A; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Eosinophils in filarial infections: Inducers of protection or pathology?
    Front Immunol 13, 2022, 983812. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.983812

  4. Ehrens, A; Rüdiger, N; Heepmann, L; Linnemann, L; Hartmann, W; Hübner, MP; Breloer, M:
    Corrigendum: Eosinophils and Neutrophils Eliminate Migrating Strongyloides ratti Larvae at the Site of Infection in the Context of Extracellular DNA Trap Formation.
    Front Immunol 13, 2022, 878640. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.878640

  5. Ehrens, A; Schiefer, A; Krome, AK; Becker, T; Rox, K; Neufeld, H; Aden, T; Wagner, KG; Müller, R; Grosse, M; Stadler, M; König, GM; Kehraus, S; Alt, S; Hesterkamp, T; Hübner, MP; Hoerauf, A:
    Pharmacology and early ADMET data of corallopyronin A, a natural product with macrofilaricidal anti-wolbachial activity in filarial nematodes
    Frontiers in Tropical Diseases 3(983107), 2022. doi: 10.3389/fitd.2022.983107

  6. Hawryluk, N; Robinson, D; Shen, Y; Kyne, G; Bedore, M; Menon, S; Canan, S; von Geldern, T; Townson, S; Gokool, S; Ehrens, A; Koschel, M; Lhermitte-Vallarino, N; Martin, C; Hoerauf, A; Hernandez, G; Dalvie, D; Specht, S; Hübner, MP; Scandale, I:
    Discovery of Substituted Di(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-thiadiazol-5-amines as Novel Macrofilaricidal Compounds for the Treatment of Human Filarial Infections.
    J Med Chem 65(16), 2022, 11388-11403. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c00960

  7. Hawryluk, N; Zhiru, L; Carlow, C; Gokool, S; Townson, S; Kreiss, T; Chojnowski, A; Prorok, M; Siekierka, J; Ehrens, A; Koschel, M; Lhermitte-Vallarino, N; Martin, C; Hoerauf, A; Hernandez, G; Canan, S; Khetani, V; Zeldis, J; Specht, S; Hübner, MP; Scandale, I:
    Filarial nematode phenotypic screening cascade to identify compounds with anti-parasitic activity for drug discovery optimization.
    Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist 19, 2022, 89-97. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2022.06.002

  8. Krome, AK; Becker, T; Kehraus, S; Schiefer, A; Gütschow, M; Chaverra-Muñoz, L; Hüttel, S; Jansen, R; Stadler, M; Ehrens, A; Pogorevc, D; Müller, R; Hübner, MP; Hesterkamp, T; Pfarr, K; Hoerauf, A; Wagner, KG; König, GM:
    Corallopyronin A: antimicrobial discovery to preclinical development.
    Nat Prod Rep 39(9), 2022, 1705-1720. doi: 10.1039/d2np00012a

  9. Majer, T; Bhattarai, K; Straetener, J; Pohlmann, J; Cahill, P; Zimmermann, MO; Hübner, MP; Kaiser, M; Svenson, J; Schindler, M; Brötz-Oesterhelt, H; Boeckler, FM; Gross, H:
    Discovery of Ircinianin Lactones B and C-Two New Cyclic Sesterterpenes from the Marine Sponge Ircinia wistarii.
    Mar Drugs 20(8), 2022. doi: 10.3390/md20080532

  10. Reichwald, JJ; Risch, F; Neumann, AL; Frohberger, SJ; Scheunemann, JF; Lenz, B; Ehrens, A; Strutz, W; Schumak, B; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    ILC2s Control Microfilaremia During Litomosoides sigmodontis Infection in Rag2-/- Mice.
    Front Immunol 13, 2022, 863663. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.863663

  11. Remion, E; Gal, J; Chaouch, S; Rodrigues, J; Lhermitte-Vallarino, N; Alonso, J; Kohl, L; Hübner, MP; Fercoq, F; Martin, C:
    Unbalanced Arginine pathway and altered maturation of pleural macrophages in Th2-deficient mice during Litomosoides sigmodontis filarial infection.
    Front Immunol 13, 2022, 866373. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.866373

  12. Risch, F; Koschel, M; Lenz, B; Specht, S; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP; Scandale, I:
    Comparison of the macrofilaricidal efficacy of oxfendazole and its isomers againt the rodent filarial Litomosoides sigmodontis.
    Frontiers in Tropical Diseases 3(982421), 2022. doi: 10.3389/fitd.2022.982421

  13. Ritter, M; Hübner, MP:
    Editorial: Host immune response and protective immune responses during filarial infections.
    Front Immunol 13, 2022, 1102121. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1102121

  14. Rox, K; Becker, T; Schiefer, A; Grosse, M; Ehrens, A; Jansen, R; Aden, T; Kehraus, S; König, GM; Krome, AK; Hübner, MP; Wagner, KG; Stadler, M; Pfarr, K; Hoerauf, A:
    Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics (PK/PD) of Corallopyronin A against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
    Pharmaceutics 15(1), 2022. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics15010131

  15. Schlabe, S; Korir, P; Lämmer, C; Landmann, F; Dubben, B; Koschel, M; Albers, A; Debrah, LB; Debrah, AY; Hübner, MP; Pfarr, K; Klarmann-Schulz, U; Hoerauf, A:
    A qPCR to quantify Wolbachia from few Onchocerca volvulus microfilariae as a surrogate for adult worm histology in clinical trials of antiwolbachial drugs.
    Parasitol Res 121(4), 2022, 1199-1206. doi: 10.1007/s00436-021-07411-5

  16. Werner, KA; Schneider, D; Poehlein, A; Diederich, N; Feyen, L; Axtmann, K; Hübner, T; Brüggemann, N; Prost, K; Daniel, R; Grohmann, E:
    Metagenomic Insights Into the Changes of Antibiotic Resistance and Pathogenicity Factor Pools Upon Thermophilic Composting of Human Excreta.
    Front Microbiol 13, 2022, 826071. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.826071


  1. Ehrens, A; Lenz, B; Neumann, AL; Giarrizzo, S; Reichwald, JJ; Frohberger, SJ; Stamminger, W; Buerfent, BC; Fercoq, F; Martin, C; Kulke, D; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Microfilariae Trigger Eosinophil Extracellular DNA Traps in a Dectin-1-Dependent Manner.
    Cell Rep 34(2), 2021, 108621. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108621

  2. Ehrens, A; Rüdiger, N; Heepmann, L; Linnemann, L; Hartmann, W; Hübner, MP; Breloer, M:
    Eosinophils and Neutrophils Eliminate Migrating Strongyloides ratti Larvae at the Site of Infection in the Context of Extracellular DNA Trap Formation.
    Front Immunol 12, 2021, 715766. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.715766

  3. Gandjui, NVT; Njouendou, AJ; Gemeg, EN; Fombad, FF; Ritter, M; Kien, CA; Chunda, VC; Fru, J; Esum, ME; Hübner, MP; Enyong, PA; Hoerauf, A; Wanji, S:
    Establishment of an in vitro culture system to study the developmental biology of Onchocerca volvulus with implications for anti-Onchocerca drug discovery and screening.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 15(2), 2021, e0008513. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008513

  4. Hübner, MP; Townson, S; Gokool, S; Tagboto, S; Maclean, MJ; Verocai, GG; Wolstenholme, AJ; Frohberger, SJ; Hoerauf, A; Specht, S; Scandale, I; Harder, A; Glenschek-Sieberth, M; Hahnel, SR; Kulke, D:
    Evaluation of the in vitro susceptibility of various filarial nematodes to emodepside.
    Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist 17, 2021, 27-35. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.07.005

  5. Krücken, J; Holden-Dye, L; Keiser, J; Prichard, RK; Townson, S; Makepeace, BL; Hübner, MP; Hahnel, SR; Scandale, I; Harder, A; Kulke, D:
    Development of emodepside as a possible adulticidal treatment for human onchocerciasis-The fruit of a successful industrial-academic collaboration.
    PLoS Pathog 17(7), 2021, e1009682. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009682

  6. Risch, F; Ritter, M; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Human filariasis-contributions of the Litomosoides sigmodontis and Acanthocheilonema viteae animal model.
    Parasitol Res 120(12), 2021, 4125-4143. doi: 10.1007/s00436-020-07026-2

  7. Scheunemann, JF; Reichwald, JJ; Korir, PJ; Kuehlwein, JM; Jenster, LM; Hammerschmidt-Kamper, C; Lewis, MD; Klocke, K; Borsche, M; Schwendt, KE; Soun, C; Thiebes, S; Limmer, A; Engel, DR; Mueller, AK; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP; Schumak, B:
    Eosinophils Suppress the Migration of T Cells Into the Brain of Plasmodium berghei-Infected Ifnar1-/- Mice and Protect Them From Experimental Cerebral Malaria.
    Front Immunol 12, 2021, 711876. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.711876


  1. Akama, T; Freund, YR; Berry, PW; Carter, DS; Easom, EE; Jarnagin, K; Lunde, CS; Plattner, JJ; Rock, F; Stefanakis, R; Fischer, C; Bulman, CA; Lim, KC; Suzuki, BM; Tricoche, N; Mansour, A; DiCosty, U; McCall, S; Carson, B; McCall, JW; McKerrow, J; Hübner, MP; Specht, S; Hoerauf, A; Lustigman, S; Sakanari, JA; Jacobs, RT:
    Macrofilaricidal Benzimidazole-Benzoxaborole Hybrids as an Approach to the Treatment of River Blindness: Part 1. Amide Linked Analogs.
    ACS Infect Dis 6(2), 2020, 173-179. doi: 10.1021/acsinfecdis.9b00396

  2. Alvar, J; Alves, F; Bucheton, B; Burrows, L; Büscher, P; Carrillo, E; Felger, I; Hübner, MP; Moreno, J; Pinazo, MJ; Ribeiro, I; Sosa-Estani, S; Specht, S; Tarral, A; Wourgaft, NS; Bilbe, G:
    Implications of asymptomatic infection for the natural history of selected parasitic tropical diseases.
    Semin Immunopathol 42(3), 2020, 231-246. doi: 10.1007/s00281-020-00796-y

  3. Ehrens, A; Lunde, CS; Jacobs, RT; Struever, D; Koschel, M; Frohberger, SJ; Lenz, F; Fendler, M; Turner, JD; Ward, SA; Taylor, MJ; Freund, YR; Stefanakis, R; Easom, E; Li, X; Plattner, JJ; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    In vivo efficacy of the boron-pleuromutilin AN11251 against Wolbachia of the rodent filarial nematode Litomosoides sigmodontis.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 14(1), 2020, e0007957. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007957

  4. Frohberger, SJ; Fercoq, F; Neumann, AL; Surendar, J; Stamminger, W; Ehrens, A; Karunakaran, I; Remion, E; Vogl, T; Hoerauf, A; Martin, C; Hübner, MP:
    S100A8/S100A9 deficiency increases neutrophil activation and protective immune responses against invading infective L3 larvae of the filarial nematode Litomosoides sigmodontis.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 14(2), 2020, e0008119. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008119

  5. Hübner, MP; Gunderson, E; Vogel, I; Bulman, CA; Lim, KC; Koschel, M; Ehrens, A; Frohberger, SJ; Fendler, M; Tricoche, N; Voronin, D; Steven, A; Chi, V; Bakowski, MA; Woods, AK; Petrassi, HM; McNamara, CW; Beerntsen, B; Chappell, L; Sullivan, W; Taylor, MJ; Turner, JD; Hoerauf, A; Lustigman, S; Sakanari, JA:
    Short-course quinazoline drug treatments are effective in the Litomosoides sigmodontis and Brugia pahangi jird models.
    Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist 12, 2020, 18-27. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2019.12.001

  6. Hübner, MP; Martin, C; Specht, S; Koschel, M; Dubben, B; Frohberger, SJ; Ehrens, A; Fendler, M; Struever, D; Mitre, E; Vallarino-Lhermitte, N; Gokool, S; Lustigman, S; Schneider, M; Townson, S; Hoerauf, A; Scandale, I:
    Oxfendazole mediates macrofilaricidal efficacy against the filarial nematode Litomosoides sigmodontis in vivo and inhibits Onchocerca spec. motility in vitro.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 14(7), 2020, e0008427. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008427

  7. Krome, AK; Becker, T; Kehraus, S; Schiefer, A; Steinebach, C; Aden, T; Frohberger, SJ; López Mármol, Á; Kapote, D; Jansen, R; Chaverra-Muñoz, L; Hübner, MP; Pfarr, K; Hesterkamp, T; Stadler, M; Gütschow, M; König, GM; Hoerauf, A; Wagner, KG:
    Solubility and Stability Enhanced Oral Formulations for the Anti-Infective Corallopyronin A.
    Pharmaceutics 12(11), 2020. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12111105

  8. Kuehlwein, JM; Borsche, M; Korir, PJ; Risch, F; Mueller, AK; Hübner, MP; Hildner, K; Hoerauf, A; Dunay, IR; Schumak, B:
    Protection of Batf3-deficient mice from experimental cerebral malaria correlates with impaired cytotoxic T-cell responses and immune regulation.
    Immunology 159(2), 2020, 193-204. doi: 10.1111/imm.13137

  9. Ostendorf, T; Zillinger, T; Andryka, K; Schlee-Guimaraes, TM; Schmitz, S; Marx, S; Bayrak, K; Linke, R; Salgert, S; Wegner, J; Grasser, T; Bauersachs, S; Soltesz, L; Hübner, MP; Nastaly, M; Coch, C; Kettwig, M; Roehl, I; Henneke, M; Hoerauf, A; Barchet, W; Gärtner, J; Schlee, M; Hartmann, G; Bartok, E:
    Immune Sensing of Synthetic, Bacterial, and Protozoan RNA by Toll-like Receptor 8 Requires Coordinated Processing by RNase T2 and RNase 2.
    Immunity 52(4), 2020, 591-605.e6. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.03.009

  10. Schiefer, A; Hübner, MP; Krome, A; Lämmer, C; Ehrens, A; Aden, T; Koschel, M; Neufeld, H; Chaverra-Muñoz, L; Jansen, R; Kehraus, S; König, GM; Pogorevc, D; Müller, R; Stadler, M; Hüttel, S; Hesterkamp, T; Wagner, K; Pfarr, K; Hoerauf, A:
    Corallopyronin A for short-course anti-wolbachial, macrofilaricidal treatment of filarial infections.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 14(12), 2020, e0008930. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008930

  11. Surendar, J; Karunakaran, I; Frohberger, SJ; Koschel, M; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Macrophages Mediate Increased CD8 T Cell Inflammation During Weight Loss in Formerly Obese Mice.
    Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) 11, 2020, 257. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.00257


  1. Bakowski, MA; Shiroodi, RK; Liu, R; Olejniczak, J; Yang, B; Gagaring, K; Guo, H; White, PM; Chappell, L; Debec, A; Landmann, F; Dubben, B; Lenz, F; Struever, D; Ehrens, A; Frohberger, SJ; Sjoberg, H; Pionnier, N; Murphy, E; Archer, J; Steven, A; Chunda, VC; Fombad, FF; Chounna, PW; Njouendou, AJ; Metuge, HM; Ndzeshang, BL; Gandjui, NV; Akumtoh, DN; Kwenti, TDB; Woods, AK; Joseph, SB; Hull, MV; Xiong, W; Kuhen, KL; Taylor, MJ; Wanji, S; Turner, JD; Hübner, MP; Hoerauf, A; Chatterjee, AK; Roland, J; Tremblay, MS; Schultz, PG; Sullivan, W; Chu, XJ; Petrassi, HM; McNamara, CW:
    Discovery of short-course antiwolbachial quinazolines for elimination of filarial worm infections.
    Sci Transl Med 11(491), 2019. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aav3523

  2. Buerfent, BC; Ajendra, J; Stamminger, W; Gondorf, F; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    TGFβ depletion does neither modulate acute E. coli-induced inflammatory immune responses nor impair the protective effect by chronic filarial infection.
    GMS Infect Dis 7, 2019, Doc04. doi: 10.3205/id000044

  3. Buerfent, BC; Gölz, L; Hofmann, A; Rühl, H; Stamminger, W; Fricker, N; Hess, T; Oldenburg, J; Nöthen, MM; Schumacher, J; Hübner, MP; Hoerauf, A:
    Transcriptome-wide analysis of filarial extract-primed human monocytes reveal changes in LPS-induced PTX3 expression levels.
    Sci Rep 9(1), 2019, 2562. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-38985-x

  4. Fercoq, F; Remion, E; Frohberger, SJ; Vallarino-Lhermitte, N; Hoerauf, A; Le Quesne, J; Landmann, F; Hübner, MP; Carlin, LM; Martin, C:
    IL-4 receptor dependent expansion of lung CD169+ macrophages in microfilaria-driven inflammation.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 13(8), 2019, e0007691. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007691

  5. Frohberger, SJ; Ajendra, J; Surendar, J; Stamminger, W; Ehrens, A; Buerfent, BC; Gentil, K; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Susceptibility to L. sigmodontis infection is highest in animals lacking IL-4R/IL-5 compared to single knockouts of IL-4R, IL-5 or eosinophils.
    Parasit Vectors 12(1), 2019, 248. doi: 10.1186/s13071-019-3502-z

  6. Hong, WD; Benayoud, F; Nixon, GL; Ford, L; Johnston, KL; Clare, RH; Cassidy, A; Cook, DAN; Siu, A; Shiotani, M; Webborn, PJH; Kavanagh, S; Aljayyoussi, G; Murphy, E; Steven, A; Archer, J; Struever, D; Frohberger, SJ; Ehrens, A; Hübner, MP; Hoerauf, A; Roberts, AP; Hubbard, ATM; Tate, EW; Serwa, RA; Leung, SC; Qie, L; Berry, NG; Gusovsky, F; Hemingway, J; Turner, JD; Taylor, MJ; Ward, SA; O'Neill, PM:
    AWZ1066S, a highly specific anti-Wolbachia drug candidate for a short-course treatment of filariasis.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 116(4), 2019, 1414-1419. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1816585116

  7. Hübner, MP; Ehrens, A; Koschel, M; Dubben, B; Lenz, F; Frohberger, SJ; Specht, S; Quirynen, L; Lachau-Durand, S; Tekle, F; Baeten, B; Engelen, M; Mackenzie, CD; Hoerauf, A:
    Macrofilaricidal efficacy of single and repeated oral and subcutaneous doses of flubendazole in Litomosoides sigmodontis infected jirds.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 13(1), 2019, e0006320. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006320

  8. Hübner, MP; Koschel, M; Struever, D; Nikolov, V; Frohberger, SJ; Ehrens, A; Fendler, M; Johannes, I; von Geldern, TW; Marsh, K; Turner, JD; Taylor, MJ; Ward, SA; Pfarr, K; Kempf, DJ; Hoerauf, A:
    In vivo kinetics of Wolbachia depletion by ABBV-4083 in L. sigmodontis adult worms and microfilariae.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 13(8), 2019, e0007636. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007636

  9. Jacobs, RT; Lunde, CS; Freund, YR; Hernandez, V; Li, X; Xia, Y; Carter, DS; Berry, PW; Halladay, J; Rock, F; Stefanakis, R; Easom, E; Plattner, JJ; Ford, L; Johnston, KL; Cook, DAN; Clare, R; Cassidy, A; Myhill, L; Tyrer, H; Gamble, J; Guimaraes, AF; Steven, A; Lenz, F; Ehrens, A; Frohberger, SJ; Koschel, M; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP; McNamara, CW; Bakowski, MA; Turner, JD; Taylor, MJ; Ward, SA:
    Boron-Pleuromutilins as Anti- Wolbachia Agents with Potential for Treatment of Onchocerciasis and Lymphatic Filariasis.
    J Med Chem 62(5), 2019, 2521-2540. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.8b01854

  10. Karunakaran, I; Alam, S; Jayagopi, S; Frohberger, SJ; Hansen, JN; Kuehlwein, J; Hölbling, BV; Schumak, B; Hübner, MP; Gräler, MH; Halle, A; van Echten-Deckert, G:
    Neural sphingosine 1-phosphate accumulation activates microglia and links impaired autophagy and inflammation.
    Glia 67(10), 2019, 1859-1872. doi: 10.1002/glia.23663

  11. Kuehn, C; Tauchi, M; Furtmair, R; Urschel, K; Raaz-Schrauder, D; Neumann, AL; Frohberger, SJ; Hoerauf, A; Regus, S; Lang, W; Sagban, TA; Stumpfe, FM; Achenbach, S; Hübner, MP; Dietel, B:
    Filarial extract of Litomosoides sigmodontis induces a type 2 immune response and attenuates plaque development in hyperlipidemic ApoE-knockout mice.
    FASEB J 33(5), 2019, 6497-6513. doi: 10.1096/fj.201800947RR

  12. Safi, S; Frommholz, D; Reimann, S; Götz, W; Bourauel, C; Neumann, AL; Hoerauf, A; Ilges, H; Safi, AF; Jäger, A; Hübner, MP; Gölz, L:
    Comparative study on serum-induced arthritis in the temporomandibular and limb joint of mice.
    Int J Rheum Dis 22(4), 2019, 636-645. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.13486

  13. Surendar, J; Frohberger, SJ; Karunakaran, I; Schmitt, V; Stamminger, W; Neumann, AL; Wilhelm, C; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Adiponectin Limits IFN-γ and IL-17 Producing CD4 T Cells in Obesity by Restraining Cell Intrinsic Glycolysis.
    Front Immunol 10, 2019, 2555. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.02555

  14. Taylor, MJ; von Geldern, TW; Ford, L; Hübner, MP; Marsh, K; Johnston, KL; Sjoberg, HT; Specht, S; Pionnier, N; Tyrer, HE; Clare, RH; Cook, DAN; Murphy, E; Steven, A; Archer, J; Bloemker, D; Lenz, F; Koschel, M; Ehrens, A; Metuge, HM; Chunda, VC; Ndongmo Chounna, PW; Njouendou, AJ; Fombad, FF; Carr, R; Morton, HE; Aljayyoussi, G; Hoerauf, A; Wanji, S; Kempf, DJ; Turner, JD; Ward, SA:
    Preclinical development of an oral anti-Wolbachia macrolide drug for the treatment of lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis.
    Sci Transl Med 11(483), 2019. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aau2086

  15. von Geldern, TW; Morton, HE; Clark, RF; Brown, BS; Johnston, KL; Ford, L; Specht, S; Carr, RA; Stolarik, DF; Ma, J; Rieser, MJ; Struever, D; Frohberger, SJ; Koschel, M; Ehrens, A; Turner, JD; Hübner, MP; Hoerauf, A; Taylor, MJ; Ward, SA; Marsh, K; Kempf, DJ:
    Discovery of ABBV-4083, a novel analog of Tylosin A that has potent anti-Wolbachia and anti-filarial activity.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 13(2), 2019, e0007159. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007159


  1. Muhsin, M; Ajendra, J; Gentil, K; Berbudi, A; Neumann, AL; Klaas, L; Schmidt, KE; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    IL-6 is required for protective immune responses against early filarial infection.
    Int J Parasitol 48(12), 2018, 925-935. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpara.2018.05.011

  2. Specht, S; Pfarr, KM; Arriens, S; Hübner, MP; Klarmann-Schulz, U; Koschel, M; Sternberg, S; Martin, C; Ford, L; Taylor, MJ; Hoerauf, A:
    Combinations of registered drugs reduce treatment times required to deplete Wolbachia in the Litomosoides sigmodontis mouse model.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 12(1), 2018, e0006116. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006116


  1. Surendar, J; Indulekha, K; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Immunomodulation by helminths: Similar impact on type 1 and type 2 diabetes?
    Parasite Immunol 39(5), 2017. doi: 10.1111/pim.12401


  1. Ajendra, J; Berbudi, A; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Combination of worm antigen and proinsulin prevents type 1 diabetes in NOD mice after the onset of insulitis.
    Clin Immunol 164, 2016, 119-22. doi: 10.1016/j.clim.2016.02.005

  2. Ajendra, J; Specht, S; Ziewer, S; Schiefer, A; Pfarr, K; Parčina, M; Kufer, TA; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    NOD2 dependent neutrophil recruitment is required for early protective immune responses against infectious Litomosoides sigmodontis L3 larvae.
    Sci Rep 6, 2016, 39648. doi: 10.1038/srep39648

  3. Berbudi, A; Ajendra, J; Wardani, AP; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Parasitic helminths and their beneficial impact on type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
    Diabetes Metab Res Rev 32(3), 2016, 238-50. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.2673

  4. Berbudi, A; Surendar, J; Ajendra, J; Gondorf, F; Schmidt, D; Neumann, AL; Wardani, AP; Layland, LE; Hoffmann, LS; Pfeifer, A; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Filarial Infection or Antigen Administration Improves Glucose Tolerance in Diet-Induced Obese Mice.
    J Innate Immun 8(6), 2016, 601-616. doi: 10.1159/000448401

  5. Gölz, L; Buerfent, BC; Hofmann, A; Hübner, MP; Rühl, H; Fricker, N; Schmidt, D; Johannes, O; Jepsen, S; Deschner, J; Hoerauf, A; Nöthen, MM; Schumacher, J; Jäger, A:
    Genome-wide transcriptome induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis LPS supports the notion of host-derived periodontal destruction and its association with systemic diseases.
    Innate Immun 22(1), 2016, 72-84. doi: 10.1177/1753425915616685

  6. Gölz, L; Buerfent, BC; Hofmann, A; Rühl, H; Fricker, N; Stamminger, W; Oldenburg, J; Deschner, J; Hoerauf, A; Nöthen, MM; Schumacher, J; Hübner, MP; Jäger, A:
    Genome-wide transcriptome induced by nickel in human monocytes.
    Acta Biomater 43, 2016, 369-382. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.07.047

  7. Lutz, P; Krämer, B; Kaczmarek, DJ; Hübner, MP; Langhans, B; Appenrodt, B; Lammert, F; Nattermann, J; Hoerauf, A; Strassburg, CP; Spengler, U; Nischalke, HD:
    A variant in the nuclear dot protein 52kDa gene increases the risk for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis.
    Dig Liver Dis 48(1), 2016, 62-8. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2015.09.011


  1. Buerfent, BC; Gondorf, F; Wohlleber, D; Schumak, B; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Escherichia coli-induced immune paralysis is not exacerbated during chronic filarial infection.
    Immunology 145(1), 2015, 150-60. doi: 10.1111/imm.12435

  2. Fox, EM; Morris, CP; Hübner, MP; Mitre, E:
    Histamine 1 Receptor Blockade Enhances Eosinophil-Mediated Clearance of Adult Filarial Worms.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis 9(7), 2015, e0003932. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003932

  3. Gondorf, F; Berbudi, A; Buerfent, BC; Ajendra, J; Bloemker, D; Specht, S; Schmidt, D; Neumann, AL; Layland, LE; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Chronic filarial infection provides protection against bacterial sepsis by functionally reprogramming macrophages.
    PLoS Pathog 11(1), 2015, e1004616. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1004616

  4. Layland, LE; Ajendra, J; Ritter, M; Wiszniewsky, A; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    Development of patent Litomosoides sigmodontis infections in semi-susceptible C57BL/6 mice in the absence of adaptive immune responses.
    Parasit Vectors 8, 2015, 396. doi: 10.1186/s13071-015-1011-2


  1. Ajendra, J; Specht, S; Neumann, AL; Gondorf, F; Schmidt, D; Gentil, K; Hoffmann, WH; Taylor, MJ; Hoerauf, A; Hübner, MP:
    ST2 deficiency does not impair type 2 immune responses during chronic filarial infection but leads to an increased microfilaremia due to an impaired splenic microfilarial clearance.
    PLoS One 9(3), 2014, e93072. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093072

  2. Gentil, K; Lentz, CS; Rai, R; Muhsin, M; Kamath, AD; Mutluer, O; Specht, S; Hübner, MP; Hoerauf, A:
    Eotaxin-1 is involved in parasite clearance during chronic filarial infection.
    Parasite Immunol 36(2), 2014, 60-77. doi: 10.1111/pim.12079


  1. Hübner, MP; Layland, LE; Hoerauf, A:
    Helminths and their implication in sepsis - a new branch of their immunomodulatory behaviour?
    Pathog Dis 69(2), 2013, 127-41. doi: 10.1111/2049-632X.12080